2020-10-15 18:37:21 XinHai Views (2457)
Cyanide tailings paste filling technology has great advantages in environmental protection, safety, economy and efficiency, which is the development direction of the cyanide tailings treatment technology in the future.
2020-09-18 18:11:07 XinHai Views (3628)
Since cyanide is highly toxic, many countries have begun to formulate regulations to control the cyanide content in tailings produced by gold cyanidation plants.
2020-09-04 10:46:37 XinHai Views (3227)
Most gold processing plants use sodium cyanide as the gold extraction chemical. This article will show you how to reduce the consumption of sodium cyanide.
2020-08-21 18:53:03 XinHai Views (5567)
In most gold cyanidation plants, the consumption of cyanide is higher than the theoretical calculation. This article will tell you where the sodium cyanide is consumed.
2020-08-05 17:26:07 XinHai Views (3047)
This article mainly introduce 7 common cyanide wastewater treatment methods in gold cyanidation plant, such us alkaline chlorination method, Inco method and so on. Let's drive right in now!
2020-07-24 22:48:54 XinHai Views (3228)
Cyanide in gold leaching tailings needed to be removed. But how? And is there better way like using eco-friendly gold leaching reagent? Click to see!
2019-05-24 22:55:53 XinHai Views (2988)
It is well known that the commonly used flotation reagent in flotation process include collectors, foaming reagents, and conditioners. What is the suitable flotation reagent dosage used in flotation process, how to configure it, what is the right order of flotation reagent dosing, and how to add flotation reagent. The following article will introduce the instructions for using flotation reagent.
2019-05-24 21:08:13 XinHai Views (5140)
Cnfree gold dressing agent is an environmentally friendly gold extractor that can completely replace highly toxic sodium cyanide.
No. 188, Xinhai Street, high-tech Industrial Park, Fushan District, Yantai, Shandong, China.